Traveling With Marko Drapic and His Camera

Marko Drapic is a fellow blogger, Internet entrepreneur, and amateur photographer. He has been in business for a couple of years, and he had a lot of success till now. Some of his websites has transformed into small companies. Will will ask him couple short questions.
egypt cop marko drapic
Planetoddity: What are you currently working on, and what is your plans?
Marko: Right now I’m in the busiest period of my carrier so far. I work for five great websites, but I’m running a couple on my own as well. Soon I will start on a new project that I consider as the biggest until now.
egypt police marko drapic

Planetoddity: What do you do in your spare time?
Marko: Well, unfortunately I have not much spare time. I spend most of my days inside my office in my
apartment. Vacation and travels are always fun, and I like to photograph a lot when I go to different places. Here I’ll give you the opportunity to take a look at some of my photo collection, so that this blog post would look more fun icon smile
egypt pyramids marko drapic
Planetoddity: What do you think about Planetoddity?
Marko: Love it! I visit it from time to time. I like to take a look at odd and artistic stuff around the globe. My favorites are the Star Wars articles, it is amazing how much creative and crazy stuff people make with that as an inspiration. I wish you and your millions of readers many awesome moments in 2011.
homeless guy marko drapic
hotel marko drapic
food marko drapic
fish marko drapic
elephant eye marko drapic
mothers in park marko drapic
nice marko drapic
nice stuatue marko drapic
nice wheel marko drapic
pink flamingos marko drapic
rainbow marko drapic
red sea marko drapic
red sea swimming marko drapic
restoraunt marko drapic
scandinavia marko drapic
zebra love marko drapic

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