sâmbătă, 12 ianuarie 2013

Do You Remember These Vintage Toys?

Do You Remember These Vintage Toys?

Before Nintendo, Playstation and X-box existed, children, especially boys, were playing with construction toys. Some of them that were the most popular are The Erector Set (change the name to Meccano) that was first produced in 1913. The toy had a whole collection of screws, bolts, metal beams, nuts, gears, and even electric motors. Other famous construction toys were Girder and Panel building sets of Kenner Products and were introduced in 1957. They were one of the first to advertise their product on television.
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Other famous building sets were the Bridge and Turnpike Building Set from 1958, Skyrail from 1963, Hydro-Dynamic from 1964 and Bayko from 1967. Maybe you’ll recognize some of the toys, maybe you won’t, but it’s still a shame that they no longer exist today. Something that is still popular as it was in the 40’s are Lego, and to honor these genius toy building bricks, Legoland has been built in California.
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